Do banks react to changes in the financial situation of their clients? Is their offer tailored to the needs and expectations of their customers?
These questions were answered by the participants of a webinar organised by the SME Banking Club. One of the experts of the event was Marta Mróz-Sipiora, Product Manager at Asseco Poland, who talked about how new technologies can drive the development of smart banking.
More than 40 percent of clients from the micro, small and mid-sized enterprises sector change their bank due to receiving offers that are not adjusted to their expectations – said Marta Mróz-Sipiora. Bank clients are aware of their needs and have preferred channels of communication with a financial institution. Nearly 75 percent of them declare that they carry out transactions online or via a mobile application. In addition, more than half of them would like to carry out all their financial operations in this way. If banks want to keep their clients, they have to constantly monitor their behaviour and modify their offer and select appropriate channels to reach them – she added.
Financial institutions also face the challenge of acquiring new clients, which is a multi-stage process. A bank should not only prepare a profiled offer, but also interest a recipient and finally convince them to use a given service or product. In these activities, systems dedicated to the automation of marketing are key – they support financial institutions in their ongoing efforts to attract and retain customers. The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning technology enables quick and effective sales action.
Asseco, which has been cooperating with financial institutions for 30 years, supports them in their marketing activities on this dynamically changing market. One of the projects of Poland’s largest software vendor is Asseco Customer Intelligence (ACI) – an analytical system which, based on the data collected in the systems and observation of a client’s activities in electronic channels, identifies a client’s expectations and recommends the best offer, using machine learning algorithms. The solution has already been appreciated by Global Finance magazine and won the “The Innovators 2020” competition.
The meeting organised by SME Banking Club was attended by more than 40 representatives of financial institutions, who are responsible for marketing and management of product and service offerings in their organisations. The aim of the event was to analyse new technologies that can be used on the market of banking services for micro, small and mid-sized enterprises.